Water, a rare resource to be protected
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In this sequence of activities, the students mobilize their knowledge about mixtures and implement an experimental approach to separate a complex mixture (dirty water). Then, they will learn how a wastewater treatment plant works. Finally, they ask themselves questions about the notions of drinkable water and purity of water, by analyzing the composition of a mineral water.
This resource compiles work done by teachers in the La main à la pâte networks. The three stages of the water sequence can be carried out independently. We encourage teachers to create their own progression, adapted to their students and the time available.
To help teachers choose from the proposals, here is the order in which the activities were designed:
Summary : During this step, the students will apply their knowledge of mixtures and carry out an experimental approach to separate a complex mixture (dirty water).
Summary : During this stage, the students learn how a wastewater treatment plant works.
Summary : During this step, students ask questions about the notions of potability and purity of water, by analyzing the composition of mineral water.