The Foundation supports science education development initiatives in South Africa

Foundation La Main à la pâte websites


The Foundation supports science education development initiatives in South Africa

Life of the Foundation

From May 2 to 6, two representatives of the Foundation visited South Africa at the joint invitation of the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and the French Embassy.

The goal was to learn more about the South African school system and the expectations of the educational authorities in terms of improving science teaching, in order to propose a cooperation program adapted to the needs. School visits, meetings with teachers and trainers and meetings with decision-makers confirmed the mutual interest in collaboration and laid the groundwork for future actions, in particular a first training session to be held in June and involving two trainers from La main à la pâte Foundation. 

Découvrez L@map, la plateforme de formation en ligne pour les professeurs du premier degré et du collège. 

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